Terrace Suite Renovations

Birken Construction completed a design-build renovation of the Terrace Suite at Everbank Field

Project Overview

Our scope of work required demolition of the interior finishes of the existing terrace suite, construction of a new triangular center bar, installation of marbled epoxy floors, replacement of drywall column wraps with wood bar top surrounds, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire, security, and fire alarm reconfigurations for the new space, and connection to the new Daily’s Place Amphitheater. The project was completed on schedule and on budget..

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  • Donec fringilla fermentum nibh, velit lacinia.
  • Fusce mollis et leo sit amet tincidunt.
  • Seed fermentum velit lacinia pharetra.
  • Hex ac molestie consectetur, metus tellus.
Project Description
Completion Date June 2017
Project Location
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